Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Reflection #5

Twilight Reflection

In the outstanding novel Twilight the author creates an amazing teenage story by using characters our age to get all of his points across. Twilight is a story about a young teen aged girl named Isabella (Bella) who moves from Arizona to Washington so she can live with her father. Isabella attends Forks high school, and meets a boy named Edward Cullen who is a vampire but doesn't tell her because he is very quiet, from that point on they became friends very closely. Overtime Edward confirms to Bella that he is a vampire when she asks having information from Jacob another friend who is close to her, and from that point on thong really weren't the same, even when she found out the Cullen's background. In the end this book had me thirsty for more to read about the Cullen's background and the blind romance of Edward and Bella. In conclusion I can relate this to social injustice because I still feel that Edward was afraid to tell the truth about him being a vampire because others maybe would have judged him, not wanting to be near him, not talking to him, or not even being nice to him, so in the end I can honestly say that I understand why Edward did not tell Bella that he was a vampire even though at times she could have been endangered.  I can also compare this to another book that I read earlier in the year The Bully because Tyray never told his dad or anyone that he was gang related just so he could keep them safe from danger.

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