Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Nick May relection #5

The book I have chosen to reflect on is The Rag And Bone Shop by is Robert Cormier. I read this in class and chose to reflect on it because I felt it had a very strong way of showing so many injustices the world faces. Trent who interviews Jason repeatedly argues with himself about continuing getting a confession when deep down he knows the boy is innocent. I feel as though these arguments and mind games the book covers really shows how manipulative people of authority can be. Especially when pressured to get a confession from the person who committed the crime. So these people are willing to manipulate and deceive innocent people just so the stress of their jobs can lessen. This is completely un-moral and just straight up wrong. These detectives and people in authority can twist your words and have you ending up in jail for things you didn't do. I feel like this book really sheds light onto this topic that really is a problem in our modern day justice system. However I think that  it is a tough situation. Because if you allow all people to speak with a lawyer first you can allow criminals to get their stories straight and possibly be freed. The flipside of that is innocent people being brought in without help from an attorney or lawyer can be tricked into confessing such as Jason did for a crime they didn’t commit. So I can really see both sides of this argument that we face. I think this book is a wonderful example of what can happen to innocent people who talk to these investigators without help. And even though Jason was not sent to jail as another confession came out he was so distraught by the whole situation that he in the end of the story goes out and kills someone. But none of that would've happened if he was not accused of murder there for having him consider if he could in all actuality kill/ killed someone .  -Nick May

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