Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Up For Sale

Up For Sale, the tragic book about human trafficking and modern slavery in our world today. Amazing right? That slavery is still going on even though you hardly hear about on the news or in classrooms. When most people hear the world slavery they think of blacks being owned by whites, they think of colored people having no freedom or say in any part of their lives. What they don't think about is that 7 year old Caucasian girl who's forced to live with complete strangers beaten everyday and isn't sure why. Who is raped by her owners son. Slavery isn't about color anymore it's about the vulnerable and those who simply ignore the fact that the world isn't how it should be. In the bus you travel through many different countries with different boys and girls and read about what they go through day in and day out. It really makes you appreciate what you have and realize what may seem easy for you to get is very hard for others. Something as easy as meal in the morning can be a struggle for modern day slaves or people forced into sex trafficking: they are told when to eat and what to eat...if they're lucky. This book is all about opening your eyes and facing reality that slavery isn't over and we have to do something about it. All 62 pages broke my heart in a different way this book is truly eye opening and I recommend it to everyone.

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