Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Lost and Found Reflection

Corbett C’Asia

Lost And Found
Anne Schraff
I enjoyed reading the book Lost And Found. It inspires me to listen to my mom at all times , because when your disobedience bad things happen.It's really a good book for a person who likes mysteries that keeps them thinking on what's happening next.
One thing I really liked about this book is how you can picture some of the scenes in you head by how graphic the author uses his words.

In the beginning of the book I thought that I wouldn't like it , but by the end of chapter one i wanted to read on because I was eager to know what was coming next.In many scenes of the book a created a picture in my head of what it would be like if I was in Jamie Wills situation. Reading this book kept me wanting more and more like a child wanted candy.


  1. You did a very good job it sounds great.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. After reading this I want to read this book it seem very interesting.

  4. I would love to know a bit more about the book and about how it changed the way you look at your relationship with your mom.
