Wednesday, December 16, 2015

C'asia Corbett_Book Reflection #5

The book The Breaking Point is a good book, I love reading a book that can give me images in my head about what's actually going on throughout the book. Something  I like about the book is because i can relate to it in many ways, for an example the book is about a girl who goes through a lot and lets very little feelings out. This reminds me of my younger sister because she keeps things hidden and she smiles like nothing never happens. Shes has a very strong personality and she won't express herself until she's finally fed up with everything. Another thing I like about this book is that it makes scenes in the book much clearer by the vocabulary the author uses , Its well elaborated and worded. this book inspires me to get my feelings out instead of hold hem in because it's not healthy for the brain or body and it causes a lot of stress, Even if your not gonna tell somebody write them down in a book or on a blank piece of paper to get it out of your way.

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