Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Lost and Found Reflection

Corbett C’Asia

Lost And Found
Anne Schraff
I enjoyed reading the book Lost And Found. It inspires me to listen to my mom at all times , because when your disobedience bad things happen.It's really a good book for a person who likes mysteries that keeps them thinking on what's happening next.
One thing I really liked about this book is how you can picture some of the scenes in you head by how graphic the author uses his words.

In the beginning of the book I thought that I wouldn't like it , but by the end of chapter one i wanted to read on because I was eager to know what was coming next.In many scenes of the book a created a picture in my head of what it would be like if I was in Jamie Wills situation. Reading this book kept me wanting more and more like a child wanted candy.

Monday, October 26, 2015

The book I read and am going to reflect on is the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. This book is about how after his adventure with Tom Sawyer he is thrust into a world of manners and such that he doesn’t like. I think this book is very well written and I think most will enjoy reading it. Mark twain covers topics such as abuse from Huckleberries Finn’s father, the runaway slave he runs into. I personally enjoyed it because I found the story very realistic. I felt that mark twain did a good job laying out the story without confusing me as a reader. I enjoyed how Mark Twain made the characters choices commensurate to the adversity they faced. It’s not like he’s not getting his allowance so he’s leaving he left because he was being beaten by his father. Throughout the story I felt like I didn’t know what was next to happen. I could feel the bond being strengthened between the slave boy and him with every possible terrible incident avoided. I would definitely recommend this book and its predecessor to anyone of my peers. Although it has some ideas some would find difficult to read. If I had the chance to later read this book again I would. If I were to read it again though I think I would read the Adventures of Tom Sawyer first again.

Friday, October 23, 2015

The Gun Reflection

    The third book that I chose to read was he gun. The gun was a story about a freshman teenager named Tyray Hobbs who had troubles at home, He took them out at school by being a bully until one day a student named Darrel decide to step up to him. Darrel beats Tyray up which causes Tyray to lose his reputation.

After the fight Tyray is eager to get revenge on Darrel and to get his reputation back so he chooses to get a gun to scare Darrel. In the end Tyray finally gets his chance to have revenge but decides to be the bigger person and not do anything which shows that Tyray really is a good person.

        In context to what we are learning in class this book shows an example of social injustice because it demonstrates the teenagers primarily cannot have a change in their life without their being some kind of conflict that causes them to feel like they have to change in a way to feel they fit in wit

Of Mice and Men Reflection

I recently read a book by John Steinbeck called Of Mice and Men. It was about two men who in my mind were going through hell together. One named George a short not so strong fella but his buddy Lennie on the other hand a tall, strong not so smart man. In this book George and Lennie travel to California to work on what you could call a farm.The first few people that met George and Lennie didn't really know how to accept them.

Especially the owners son Curly. In my mind he was the antagonist and Lennie the protagonist. Curly really didn't like Lennie and everyone knew why, Curly wasn't the biggest of the bunch and size to him mattered. He'd always wanted to be a big and strong man but his height and weight had different plans. Seeing such a big and strong man like Lennie he took action and tried to bully him. If you knew Lennie you could tell all his screws weren't placed in correctly. You could say he was a baby trapped in a grown man body.

George constantly had to watch over him so he wouldn't do anything stupid or injure anyone not on purpose but by accident. Sadly George couldn't be there all the time and Lennie hurt a few people during his time on the job. They made some friends but Lennie just couldn't keep his hands to himself and hurt a lot of people. As much as Lennie didn't want to hurt people he was to strong for his own good. Of Mice and Men is a boy to read when you want to learn what friendship cost. You have to make hard decisions sometimes and sacrifice for the both of you. No one ever wants to hurt someone they care about but in a way you're protecting them, Like George with Lennie, I don't want to spoil anything though you've just got to pick up a copy and read for yourself!

Huckleberry Finn Reflection

The book I read and am going to reflect on is the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. This book is about how after his adventure with Tom Sawyer he is thrust into a world of manners and such that he doesn’t like. I think this book is very well written and I think most will enjoy reading it. Mark twain covers topics such as abuse from Huckleberries Finn’s father, the runaway slave he runs into. I personally enjoyed it because I found the story very realistic. I felt that Mark Twain did a good job laying out the story without confusing me as a reader. I enjoyed how Mark Twain made the characters choices commensurate to the adversity they faced. It’s not like he’s not getting his allowance so he’s leaving he left because he was being beaten by his father. Throughout the story I felt like I didn’t know what was next to happen. I could feel the bond being strengthened between the slave boy and him with every possible terrible incident avoided. I would definitely recommend this book and its predecessor to anyone of my peers. Although it has some ideas some would find difficult to read. If I had the chance to later read this book again I would. If I were to read it again though I think I would read the Adventures of Tom Sawyer first again.

About the Authors

My name is Nick May. I am a 10th grade student at the Hyde school of Sports Medicine and Health Science. I play varsity football for my school. I am 5’11 and 175 pounds. I enjoy playing all types of sports and watching movies. I only enjoy reading if the book gets my attention or interests me. I hope that this year helps me widen my range of interests.

My name is Jason Draughn (Jay). I am a sophomore student a Hyde School of Sports Medicine and Health Science. I enjoy playing basketball and going to English class. This year I hope to enlarge my knowledge in English with Ms. Sarja.

Hey there! My name is Sherrae Terry I attend the Hyde School of Health Science and Sport Medicine. I'm 15 years old, I'm in my sophomore year of high school. My favorite subject right now is Human Body Systems with my teacher Ms. Zullo. I love to write and hope you enjoy my blog!